• Dozens were killed, hundreds of miles of coastline were flooded and New York City's infrastructure was dealt a massive blow as the super-storm Sandy moved through the mid-Atlantic states on Monday night and into Tuesday. •随着飓风桑迪在周一晚上到周二转移到大西洋中部各州,数十人死亡、数百英里的海岸线被淹没以及纽约市的基础设施遭受了巨大打击。
According to the US Apple Association, apple-growers in the mid-Atlantic states lost$ 37m. 根据美国苹果协会的调查,大西洋中部地区的苹果种植户,损失高达三千七百万美元。
Geographically, it's the middle ground and furniture dealers, especially, appreciate its Mid-Atlantic location, which is convenient for buyers stretching from New England to the southern states. 顾客们,特别是家俱商很喜欢它在大西洋海岸的地理位置。对来自东北部新英格兰地区和南部各州的买家来说,非常方便。